
Why is Blueberry Global Trade Data
the right tool for your company?

Find Market Opportunities

Leverage Trade Data in Business Planning

Dimension the Growth Rate of Existing and Future Markets

Find Market Opportunities

The 5 year average price in Japan is highest in October. In fact, 43% higher than the low in February. A clear opportunity for any producers that are able to get their fruit to market in that period.

What other markets offer a similar opportunity?


Leverage Trade Data in Business Planning

The largest importer of blueberries in Europe is the Netherlands, however most of the cargo is re-exported. Comparing the margin of import and export price offers an idea of the cost of using Rotterdam as a gateway to the continent.

Is there money being left on the table for your fruit?


Dimension the Growth Rate of Existing and Future Markets

Eastern Europe has long been regarded as one of the key producing regions for the European Market. However, the value of imports in the region more than doubled in the three years from 2017 to 2020.

Is your company tracking which countries' imports are growing the fastest?


Lighten your workload accessing information that matters


Easy to Use

Explore the world through easy to use interactive dashboards

To help overcome data overload, our dashboards compare the imports and exports of every country by Volume, Price and Value in the same format, allowing you to quickly navigate from one corner of the world to the other gaining insights with ease


Monthly imports and exports available from 2010


Key markets updated with a 1 to 2 month delay

The service offers data from more than 100 reporting countries. The key markets of the US, EU, China, Canada, Chile, Peru and South Africa all make updates available with a 1 to 2 month delay.

For countries where there is no data, or where the data is not reliable, the tool allows imports and exports to be inferred from partners.



Stay up to date update with latest data and analysis

Early releases of You Tube videos analyzing market data and explaining how our service works.

Early releases of analysis and studies created from GTD data.

Weekly emails with the latest updates to the markets that matter most.



Isolate blueberries from other commodities traded under the genus vaccinium

Because the genus vaccinium also includes other berries such as cranberries, great care has been taken to isolate and best represent blueberries as a category and a market.



Easily compare trade data from any country in the world

Every destination and origin across every dataset we used to compile the Global Trade Data has been standardized against ISO 3166. This means that it doesn't matter how Chile, Peru, China, the US or South Africa may refer to a country, we have standardized every one of them meaning there are no duplicate entries and the data from every country is easily comparable.


Bring context to global blueberry trade

Blueberry trading is multidimensional as is the data that describes it. Not only can you separate the origin and destination of all trading we track, you will also be able to filter and aggregate the data through the following variables:

Fresh is available globally, processed data is available for the US, EU, Canada and Chile.

Fresh is available globally, processed data is available for the US, EU, Canada and Chile.

We have data on wild shipments from the US, Canada and the EU.

We have breakouts between organic and conventional fruit available from the US, Canada and Chile.


Break out the data by Regions, Subregions and Countries

Geographies have been predefined using the United Nations standard country or area codes for statistical use (M49). These aggregates help give context to countries in their immediate region. Full report breakouts isolating individual countries are also available. The datasets have additionally been created to allow identifying inter geography trade as well as trade being conducted with other geographies.


We focus on the data, you focus on the decision!